Headaches & Migraines

If you suffer from headaches or migraines, especially ones that occur cyclically, you know well how awful and debilitating they can be. And just how much they can negatively impact your quality of life. 

[If you want relief right now, scroll to the bottom of the page for some tips! For more information and how we might help, feel free to read on, or reach out with any questions you might have!]

You may be aware that they can be caused by lack of sufficient hydration, and that some can be caused by hormonal shifts and imbalances. You may even be aware of some of your triggers (including certain foods, drinks, as well as not enough of either, etc.). Some can be knocked out by taking a couple NSAIDs; while others won’t even be touched by those. And some can go on for days, sometimes it seems like weeks. 

Those of us trained in holistic medicine know too well that while, yes there are similarities and parallels in headaches and migraines from one patient to another, that doesn’t mean they are exactly the same or can be relieved by one method or prescription medication. 

One person may experience headaches primarily emanating from musculoskeletal tension (especially of the neck, shoulder, and upper back regions), which then become exacerbated by hormonal shifts that occur during the 3rd week of her menstrual cycle. 

Another person may suffer from the kind of headache that starts behind the eyes and then travels up to the top of the head. This headache might be worse at the end of a long day.  

Yet another person dreads the migraines brought on seemingly without rhyme or reason. 

And many have been diagnosed with issues like cervicogenic headache or migraine with aura, which doesn’t really help the patient know what to do about it. Aside from taking prescription medications, anyway, which many savvy patients know can cause other unpleasant side effects. 

That’s where we come in, as the trained holistic investigative practitioners we are. It’s our job to sift through the details of your experience and health history to discern patterns of imbalance, then begin to help you address them through acupuncture, herbal medicine, Western supplements where suitable, and various beneficial lifestyle modifications. We know how daunting it can all seem when you’re on your own, so we’re here to offer the support and guidance needed in unraveling stubborn cases.

In the meantime, here are a few tips that might help reduce the discomfort a bit:

  1. Hydration is key - there’s no way around it, but! If you’ve tried staying hydrated and it hasn’t been the game changer you’d hoped for, consider supplementing with electrolytes. Staying well hydrated is about more than getting just enough H20, as minerals play a key part in many body functions. 

  2. Have you had your labs/blood work checked lately? We look at labs through the lens of optimal health, so though your doctor may have told you that your labs were “normal”, there is a strong chance we will find something that can be key in feeling better through natural means. You can feel free to bring in your labs for us to look at!

  3. Here are some of our favorite neck and shoulder stretches that can help reduce the intensity of a headache right now: 

    1. Opening up the internal rotators of the shoulders

    2. Lengthening the sides of the neck, which plug into the shoulder girdle! Bonus tip: if this one feels good but not strong enough, try doing it while seated and holding on to the chair with the arm that’s at your side. 

    3. For our favorite back roller, and other myofascial/pain relief tools, check out the Resources page!